Mahmud of Ghazni

31. Mahmud of Ghazni was a patron of renowned scholars and intellectuals, such as:
a) Ibn Sina (Avicenna)
b) Al-Farabi
c) Al-Ghazali
d) All of the above

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32. The Ghaznavid Empire reached its peak under the reign of Mahmud of Ghazni and gradually declined after his death due to:
a) Internal conflicts
b) External invasions
c) Economic instability
d) All of the above

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33. Mahmud of Ghazni’s invasions of India played a crucial role in shaping the political and cultural history of the:
a) Ghaznavid Empire
b) Mughal Empire
c) Gupta Empire
d) Delhi Sultanate

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34. Mahmud of Ghazni’s invasions of India were inspired by the conquests of:
a) Alexander the Great
b) Genghis Khan
c) Timur (Tamerlane)
d) Muhammad bin Qasim

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35. The historical account of Mahmud of Ghazni’s invasions of India was written by the Persian scholar:
a) Al-Farabi
b) Al-Ghazali
c) Firdausi
d) Al-Biruni

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