Mahmud of Ghazni

41. Mahmud of Ghazni’s invasions of India impacted the regional power dynamics by weakening the:
a) Rajputs
b) Marathas
c) Guptas
d) Mauryas

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42. Mahmud of Ghazni’s invasions of India were primarily aimed at looting the:
a) Temples and palaces
b) Markets and bazaars
c) Universities and libraries
d) Forts and citadels

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43. The city of Ghazni, Mahmud of Ghazni’s capital, is located in present-day:
a) Afghanistan
b) Iran
c) Pakistan
d) Uzbekistan

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44. Mahmud of Ghazni’s invasions of India are often seen as a struggle between:
a) Hinduism and Islam
b) Persian and Indian cultures
c) Feudal lords and common people
d) Monarchy and democracy

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45. Mahmud of Ghazni’s invasions of India resulted in the spread of:
a) Persian language and literature
b) Arabic language and literature
c) Sanskrit language and literature
d) Tamil language and literature

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