Major Provisions of RBI Act

31. The RBI Act provides for the establishment of which institution under the RBI to handle the issue and redemption of government securities?

a) National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD)

b) Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI)

c) Export-Import Bank of India (EXIM Bank)

d) None of the above

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32. Under the RBI Act, the RBI has the power to inspect and regulate which type of financial companies?

a) Only commercial banks

b) Only insurance companies

c) Only non-banking financial companies (NBFCs)

d) All of the above

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33. Which section of the RBI Act allows the RBI to consider the granting of banking licenses to entities, subject to certain conditions?

a) Section 9

b) Section 22

c) Section 24

d) Section 35

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34. The RBI Act provides for the establishment and regulation of the Reserve Bank of India’s Pension Fund for which entity?

a) RBI employees

b) Commercial bank employees

c) Government employees

d) All of the above

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35. The RBI Act requires the RBI to maintain a certain amount of gold and foreign exchange reserves. What is the minimum prescribed limit for this reserve?

a) 10% of the RBI’s total assets

b) 15% of the RBI’s total assets

c) 20% of the RBI’s total assets

d) 25% of the RBI’s total assets

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