Mamluk Dynasty (1206-1290)

Here are some MCQs on the Mamluk dynasty (1206-1290)

1. The Mamluk dynasty in India was also known as the:
a) Slave dynasty
b) Khalji dynasty
c) Tughlaq dynasty
d) Lodi dynasty

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2. The first ruler of the Mamluk dynasty was:
a) Qutb-ud-din Aibak
b) Iltutmish
c) Razia Sultana
d) Balban

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3. The Mamluk dynasty was founded in India in the year:
a) 1192
b) 1206
c) 1210
d) 1236

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4. The Mamluk dynasty was of which origin?
a) Turkish
b) Persian
c) Afghan
d) Mongol

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5. The Mamluk dynasty was a dynasty of:
a) Sultans
b) Kings
c) Emperors
d) Princes

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