
Here are some MCQs on Mammal

1) What is the largest mammal on Earth?

   a) Elephant

   b) Blue Whale

   c) Giraffe

   d) Rhinoceros

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2) Which mammal can fly?

   a) Bat

   b) Penguin

   c) Kangaroo

   d) Lion

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3) What is the main characteristic of mammals?

   a) Cold-blooded

   b) Lay eggs

   c) Hair or fur

   d) Gills for breathing

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4) How many chambers does a mammal’s heart typically have?

   a) One

   b) Two

   c) Three

   d) Four

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5) Which mammal gives birth to live young?

   a) Whale

   b) Dolphin

   c) Platypus

   d) Kangaroo

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