Maratha Empire

Here are some MCQs on the Maratha Empire, including its history, rulers, culture, and significant events.

1. Who was the founder of the Maratha Empire?
a) Shivaji
b) Baji Rao I
c) Balaji Vishwanath
d) Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj

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2. The first coronation of Shivaji took place in the fort of:
a) Raigad
b) Pratapgad
c) Sinhagad
d) Panhala

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3. The title “Chhatrapati” was conferred upon Shivaji by:
a) Aurangzeb
b) Jahangir
c) Shah Jahan
d) Akbar

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4. The administrative system introduced by Shivaji was known as:
a) Diwan-i-Khas
b) Ashtapradhan Mandal
c) Mansabdari system
d) Peshwaship

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5. The naval fort of the Marathas, built by Shivaji, was:
a) Sindhudurg
b) Vijaydurg
c) Janjira
d) Suvarnadurg

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