Maurya Empire – Ashoka

41. Who was the father of Ashoka?
a) Chandragupta Maurya
b) Bindusara
c) Bimbisara
d) Ajatashatru

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42. What was the name of Ashoka’s mother?
a) Devi
b) Dharma
c) Kaurwaki
d) Subhadrangi

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43. Ashoka succeeded his father Bindusara to the throne in which year?
a) 265 BCE
b) 269 BCE
c) 273 BCE
d) 277 BCE

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44. Which battle did Ashoka fight against his half-brother Susima?
a) Battle of Kalinga
b) Battle of Ujjain
c) Battle of Magadha
d) Battle of Taxila

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45. Ashoka’s conversion to Buddhism is said to have taken place after which battle?
a) Battle of Kalinga
b) Battle of Ujjain
c) Battle of Magadha
d) Battle of Taxila

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