Maurya Empire

71. Which of the following was not a major religion during the Maurya Empire?
A) Hinduism
B) Buddhism
C) Jainism
D) Zoroastrianism

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72. What was the name of the chief queen of Bindusara?
A) Durdhara
B) Karuvaki
C) Asandhimitra
D) Devi

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73. Which ancient Indian text mentions the Maurya Empire?
A) Mahabharata
B) Arthashastra
C) Manusmriti
D) Ramayana

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74. Which Indian king did Bindusara defeat to acquire the province of Deccan?
A) Bimbisara
B) Ashoka
C) Pulakeshin II
D) Simuka

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75. What was the name of the kingdom ruled by Ashoka before he became the emperor?
A) Magadha
B) Kalinga
C) Avanti
D) Panchala

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