Mauryan Culture, Society and Economy

61. Which of the following was NOT a pillar edict of Ashoka?
a) The edict of non-violence
b) The edict of religious tolerance
c) The edict of social justice
d) The edict of territorial expansion

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62. Which of the following was NOT a feature of Mauryan art and architecture?
a) Stupas
b) Pillars
c) Temples
d) Frescoes

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63. What was the name of the Mauryan prince who became a Buddhist monk?
a) Mahinda
b) Sanghamitra
c) Ashoka
d) Bindusara

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64. Which of the following was NOT a Mauryan ruler?
a) Kanishka
b) Chandragupta Maurya
c) Bindusara
d) Ashoka

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65. What was the language of the Mauryan court?
a) Sanskrit
b) Pali
c) Prakrit
d) Tamil

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