Mauryan Culture, Society and Economy

11. Which of the following was NOT one of the pillars erected by Ashoka?
a) Sarnath pillar
b) Allahabad pillar
c) Delhi pillar
d) Mecca pillar

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12. Which Mauryan ruler was known for his military conquests?
a) Chandragupta Maurya
b) Ashoka
c) Bindusara
d) Brihadratha

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13. Which Greek ambassador visited the court of Chandragupta Maurya?
a) Alexander the Great
b) Seleucus Nicator
c) Demetrius
d) Antiochus III

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14. What was the main occupation of the people in the Mauryan Empire?
a) Agriculture
b) Trading
c) Fishing
d) Hunting

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15. Which industry was the most developed in the Mauryan Empire?
a) Textile
b) Iron
c) Pottery
d) Jewelry

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