Indian History

Indian history spans thousands of years and has a rich and diverse cultural heritage. The earliest civilization in India can be traced back to the Indus Valley Civilization, which flourished between 2600 BCE and 1900 BCE. The Vedic period (1500 BCE – 500 BCE) saw the emergence of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, as well as the development of the caste system.

Here are some MCQs on Indian History

1. The capital of the Mauryan Empire was:
a) Pataliputra
b) Taxila
c) Varanasi
d) Ujjain

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2. The religion which was followed by the Mauryan emperor Ashoka was:
a) Hinduism
b) Jainism
c) Buddhism
d) Zoroastrianism

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3. The Gupta Empire is known for its:
a) Military conquests
b) Religious tolerance
c) Trade relations with China
d) Advocacy of the caste system

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4. The Indian king who is credited with the spread of Buddhism in Asia is:
a) Ashoka
b) Chandragupta
c) Harsha
d) Kanishka

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5. The Maratha Empire was founded by:
a) Shivaji
b) Aurangzeb
c) Baji Rao I
d) Balaji Baji Rao

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