The Satavahanas

46. The Satavahanas were involved in a long-standing conflict with which dynasty of the Deccan region?
a) Chalukyas
b) Rashtrakutas
c) Pallavas
d) Cholas

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47. The Satavahanas were responsible for the development of which irrigation system in the Deccan region?
a) Dams
b) Canals
c) Wells
d) Borewells

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48. The Satavahanas were known for their minting of coins in which metal?
a) Gold
b) Silver
c) Copper
d) Bronze

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49. The Satavahanas are believed to have had a highly organized system of _, with the king at the top and various officials holding different levels of power and responsibility.
a) Religion
b) Trade
c) Administration
d) Military

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50. Which famous Buddhist scholar and philosopher is said to have visited the Satavahana court during the reign of Gautamiputra Satakarni?
a) Nagarjuna
b) Asvaghosa
c) Vasubandhu
d) Dharmakirti

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