The Satavahanas

81. The Satavahanas are known for their development of which type of art?
a) Cave art
b) Sculpture
c) Painting
d) Pottery

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82. The Satavahana dynasty was founded by which king?
a) Simuka
b) Gautamiputra Satakarni
c) Hala
d) Pulomavi II

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83. Which Satavahana king is known for his patronage of the famous Buddhist site of Nagarjunakonda?
a) Satakarni I
b) Gautamiputra Satakarni
c) Pulomavi II
d) Sri Satakarni

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84. The Satavahanas are known for their development of which form of literature?
a) Epic poetry
b) Drama
c) Prose
d) Religious texts

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85. Which Satavahana king is believed to have fought against the Greeks in the Deccan region?
a) Satakarni I
b) Gautamiputra Satakarni
c) Pulomavi II
d) Hala

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