6. What is the shortcut key to undo an action in Windows?
a. Ctrl + X
b. Ctrl + V
c. Ctrl + C
d. Ctrl + Z
Answer: d. Ctrl + Z
7. What is the shortcut key to save a document in most applications?
a. Ctrl + S
b. Ctrl + O
c. Ctrl + N
d. Ctrl + P
Answer: a. Ctrl + S
8. What is the shortcut key to print a document in most applications?
a. Ctrl + S
b. Ctrl + O
c. Ctrl + N
d. Ctrl + P
Answer: d. Ctrl + P
9. What is the shortcut key to close a window in Windows?
a. Alt + F4
b. Ctrl + W
c. Ctrl + Alt + Del
d. Win + E
Answer: a. Alt + F4
10. What is the shortcut key to switch between open windows in Windows?
a. Alt + Tab
b. Ctrl + Tab
c. Win + Tab
d. Shift + Tab
Answer: a. Alt + Tab