Monetary Aggregates and Money Supply

Here are some MCQs on Monetary Aggregates and Money Supply

1. Which of the following is included in M1 money supply?

a) Currency

b) Savings deposits

c) Money market mutual funds

d) Small time deposits

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2. M2 money supply includes which of the following?

a) Currency

b) Savings deposits

c) Money market mutual funds

d) Small time deposits

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3. M3 money supply includes which of the following?

a) Currency

b) Savings deposits

c) Money market mutual funds

d) Small time deposits

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4. M4 money supply includes which of the following?

a) Currency

b) Savings deposits

c) Money market mutual funds

d) Small time deposits

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5. Which of the following is considered high-powered money?

a) Currency in circulation

b) Reserves held by commercial banks

c) Deposits at the central bank

d) Treasury bills

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