Monetary Aggregates and Money Supply

16. Which of the following is not a component of M4 money supply?

a) Currency in circulation

b) Demand deposits

c) Savings deposits

d) Time deposits

e) Large time deposits

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17. Which of the following would be considered part of the narrowest definition of money supply?

a) Currency in circulation

b) Demand deposits

c) Small time deposits

d) Treasury bills

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18. Which of the following would be considered part of the broadest definition of money supply?

a) Currency in circulation

b) Demand deposits

c) Large time deposits

d) Mortgage-backed securities

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19. Which term describes the actual cash held by individuals and businesses?

a) Currency in circulation

b) Nominal money supply

c) Real money supply

d) Liquidity

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20. Which term refers to the total amount of money in circulation or existing in an economy at a given time?

a) Currency in circulation

b) Nominal money supply

c) Real money supply

d) Liquidity

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