Mughal Empire: Polity, Administration and Economy

6. The Mansabdars in the Mughal administration were primarily responsible for:
A) Collecting taxes
B) Maintaining law and order
C) Military administration
D) Diplomatic relations

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7. The title “Zabt” in the Mughal administration referred to:
A) Tax collection
B) Land revenue
C) Military rank
D) Judicial system

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8. The Mughal emperor who implemented the “Divine Faith” (Deen-e-Ilahi) was:
A) Babur
B) Akbar
C) Aurangzeb
D) Jahangir

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9. The famous Navaratnas (Nine Jewels) were associated with the court of:
A) Babur
B) Akbar
C) Aurangzeb
D) Jahangir

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10. Which Mughal emperor banned the construction of new temples and imposed the Jizya tax on non-Muslims?
A) Babur
B) Akbar
C) Aurangzeb
D) Jahangir

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