Nationalization of Banking

6. What was the primary objective behind the nationalization of banks in India?

a) To increase government revenue

b) To reduce the control of private individuals over banks

c) To promote foreign investment

d) To improve the efficiency of banking operations

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7. Which of the following is not a benefit of nationalization of banks in India?

a) Increased credit flow to priority sectors

b) Geographic expansion of banking services

c) Enhanced accountability of banks to the government

d) Reduced competition in the banking sector

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8. Which committee recommended the nationalization of banks in India?

a) Narasimham Committee

b) Tandon Committee

c) Rangarajan Committee

d) Gadgil Committee

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9. Which bank became the largest nationalized bank in India after the 1969 nationalization?

a) Punjab National Bank

b) State Bank of India

c) Bank of Baroda

d) Canara Bank

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10. Who was appointed as the first Chairman of State Bank of India after its nationalization?

a) R.K. Talwar

b) K.A. Alagiriswami

c) M.D. Mallya

d) N.K. Singh

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