Notable Economists – India and World

16. Who is known for the concept of “bounded rationality” in economics?
a) Herbert Simon
b) Milton Friedman
c) Ronald Coase
d) Paul Romer

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17. Who is known for the theory of “creative economics” and the concept of “economic complexity”?
a) Dani Rodrik
b) Esther Duflo
c) Abhijit Banerjee
d) Angus Deaton

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18. Who is the author of the book “The Wealth of Nations”?
a) Karl Marx
b) Friedrich Hayek
c) Adam Smith
d) John Kenneth Galbraith

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19. Who developed the concept of “human capital” in economics?
a) Gary Becker
b) Robert Solow
c) Oliver Williamson
d) Paul Krugman

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20. Who is known for the theory of “rational choice” in economics?
a) Paul Samuelson
b) Robert Lucas Jr.
c) Joseph Schumpeter
d) Friedrich Hayek

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