Operating Systems MCQs

91. Which of the following is not a type of file system?
A) FAT32

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92. What is virtual memory?
A) The amount of physical memory installed on a computer
B) The ability of an Operating System to use more memory than is physically available
C) A type of memory used in virtual machines

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93. What is a page fault?
A) An error that occurs when a program tries to access memory that does not exist
B) A condition where the number of processes exceeds the capacity of the system
C) A type of virus that attacks the memory of a computer

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94. What is a process?
A) A program in execution
B) A type of memory used by the Operating System
C) The main part of the kernel

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95. What is a thread?
A) A type of virus that attacks the Operating System
B) A part of a process that can run independently
C) A program that runs other programs

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96. What is a semaphore?
A) A type of virus that attacks the memory of a computer
B) A type of synchronization tool used in Operating Systems
C) A type of network device

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97. What is a deadlock?
A) A condition where a process cannot proceed because it is waiting for another process to release a resource
B) A type of virus that attacks the kernel of an Operating System
C) A type of synchronization tool used in Operating Systems

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98. What is a device driver?
A) A program that runs other programs
B) A type of synchronization tool used in Operating Systems
C) A program that controls a hardware device

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99. Which of the following is not a type of scheduling algorithm?
A) Round-robin
B) First-come, first-served
C) Shortest job first
D) Longest job first

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100. Which of the following scheduling algorithms is not preemptive?
A) Round-robin
B) First-come, first-served
C) Shortest job first
D) Priority scheduling

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