Operating Systems MCQs

21. Which type of operating system is designed for cloud computing environments and virtualization?
A) Real-time operating system
B) Mobile operating system
C) Server operating system
D) Cloud operating system

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22. Which type of operating system is designed for gaming consoles such as Xbox and PlayStation?
A) Real-time operating system
B) Mobile operating system
C) Gaming operating system
D) Personal computer operating system

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23. Which type of operating system is designed to run on network switches and routers?
A) Real-time operating system
B) Network operating system
C) Server operating system
D) Personal computer operating system

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24. Which of the following is not a common feature of an operating system?
A) Resource management
B) File management
C) Program execution
D) Data encryption

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25. Which of the following is an example of a popular open-source operating system?
A) Windows
B) macOS
C) Linux
D) iOS

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26. Which of the following is an example of a real-time operating system?
A) Windows
B) macOS
C) Linux

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27. Which of the following is an example of an embedded operating system?
A) Windows
B) macOS
C) Linux
D) Android

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28. Which of the following is an example of a network operating system?
A) Windows
B) macOS
C) Linux
D) Novell NetWare

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29. Which of the following operating systems is used primarily in Apple computers?
A) Windows
B) macOS
C) Linux
D) Chrome OS

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30. Which of the following operating systems is used primarily in IBM-compatible computers?
A) Windows
B) macOS
C) Linux
D) iOS

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