Overview of Plant Kingdom

Here are some MCQs on Overview of Plant Kingdom

1. The body of plants is divided into divisions called:

a) Roots

b) Stems

c) Leaves

d) Organs

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2. Which of the following is not a characteristic of plants?

a) They have cell walls

b) They are autotrophs

c) They have chloroplasts

d) They are heterotrophs

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3. What is the process by which plants convert sunlight into energy?

a) Photosynthesis

b) Respiration

c) Transpiration

d) Reproduction

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4. Plants that produce seeds enclosed within a fruit are classified as:

a) Ferns

b) Mosses

c) Gymnosperms

d) Angiosperms

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5. Which of the following correctly describes the reproductive structures of a flower?

a) Petals – male reproductive parts – female reproductive parts

b) Female reproductive parts – male reproductive parts – petals

c) Male reproductive parts – petals – female reproductive parts

d) Petals – female reproductive parts – male reproductive parts

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