Solar System MCQs

Planets are large celestial bodies that orbit around a star and do not produce their own light. They are classified as either terrestrial planets or gas giants. Terrestrial planets are rocky, dense, and have a solid surface, while gas giants are primarily composed of hydrogen and helium gas and have no solid surface.

In our solar system, there are eight planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Pluto, which was once considered a planet, is now classified as a dwarf planet.

Each planet has unique characteristics such as size, composition, atmosphere, and temperature. Some planets have moons, which orbit around them, and some planets have rings, which are made up of particles of rock and ice.

The study of planets is known as planetary science, and it involves the use of telescopes, spacecraft, and other instruments to study the physical and chemical properties of planets and their environments.

Here are some MCQs on Planets:

1. Which planet is the closest to the sun?
a) Earth
b) Venus
c) Mercury
d) Mars

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2. What is the largest planet in our solar system?
a) Mars
b) Saturn
c) Jupiter
d) Uranus

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3. Which planet has the longest day in our solar system?
a) Venus
b) Mars
c) Jupiter
d) Saturn

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4. Which planet is known as the “Red Planet”?
a) Earth
b) Venus
c) Mars
d) Neptune

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5. Which planet is known as the “Morning Star” or “Evening Star”?
a) Earth
b) Venus
c) Mars
d) Saturn

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