Solar System MCQs

26. What is the name of the largest moon of Neptune?
a) Titan
b) Callisto
c) Triton
d) Charon

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27. What is the name of the dwarf planet that was reclassified from a planet in 2006?
a) Ceres
b) Eris
c) Pluto
d) Haumea

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28. What is the name of the largest asteroid belt in our solar system?
a) Kuiper Belt
b) Oort Cloud
c) Main Belt
d) Scattered Disk

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29. What is the name of the largest Kuiper Belt object?
a) Pluto
b) Eris
c) Haumea
d) Makemake

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30. What is the name of the spacecraft that visited Pluto in 2015?
a) New Horizons
b) Juno
c) Dawn
d) Messenger

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