Solar System MCQs

31. What is the name of the largest known object in the Kuiper Belt?
a) Makemake
b) Eris
c) Haumea
d) Sedna

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32. What is the name of the only known moon of dwarf planet Haumea?
a) Hi’iaka
b) Namaka
c) Dysnomia
d) Kerberos

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33. What is the name of the dwarf planet discovered in 2003 that is larger than Pluto?
a) Eris
b) Makemake
c) Haumea
d) Sedna

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34. What is the name of the dwarf planet located beyond the Kuiper Belt?
a) Eris
b) Sedna
c) Makemake
d) Orcus

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35. What is the name of the largest known object in the Oort Cloud?
a) Sedna
b) Tyche
c) Nemesis
d) Eris

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