86. NITI Aayog’s “AI-based Agriculture Market” platform aims to provide farmers with information on:
a) Crop prices and market demand
b) Weather conditions and crop diseases
c) Farming techniques and best practices
d) All of the above
87. The “Composite Education Development Index” developed by NITI Aayog assesses the performance of states and union territories in the field of:
a) Primary education
b) Secondary education
c) Higher education
d) All of the above
88. The “Performance on Health Outcomes” index developed by NITI Aayog measures the performance of states and union territories in achieving health outcomes based on indicators such as:
a) Maternal and child health
b) Communicable diseases
c) Non-communicable diseases
d) All of the above
89. NITI Aayog’s “Global Energy Transition Index” assesses the readiness of countries for the transition to:
a) Renewable energy sources
b) Nuclear energy
c) Fossil fuels
d) Geothermal energy
90. The “India Energy Dashboards” developed by NITI Aayog provide information on:
a) Energy consumption and production
b) Energy prices and subsidies
c) Renewable energy potential
d) All of the above