
106. What is the name of the plateau located in the center of the Australian continent?
a) Rocky Mountains Plateau
b) Great Dividing Range Plateau
c) Nullarbor Plain
d) Australian Outback Plateau

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107. What is the name of the plateau located in the center of South Africa?
a) Highveld Plateau
b) Great Karoo Plateau
c) Drakensberg Plateau
d) Kalahari Plateau

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108. What is the name of the plateau located in the western part of South America?
a) Andean Plateau
b) Patagonian Plateau
c) Altiplano Plateau
d) Puna Plateau

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109. The Columbia Plateau is located in which region of the United States?
a) Northeast
b) Southeast
c) Northwest
d) Southwest

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110. The Colorado Plateau is known for its spectacular what?
a) Waterfalls
b) Canyons
c) Lakes
d) Beaches

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