Portuguese Empire

Here are some MCQs about the Portuguese Empire

1. Which European country established the Portuguese Empire?
a) Spain
b) Portugal
c) England
d) France

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2. Which explorer is credited with leading the first expedition that established direct sea route from Europe to India for the Portuguese Empire?
a) Christopher Columbus
b) Vasco da Gama
c) Ferdinand Magellan
d) Hernán Cortés

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3. In which year did Vasco da Gama reach India, establishing the maritime route for the Portuguese Empire?
a) 1492
b) 1498
c) 1519
d) 1521

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4. What was the primary purpose of the Portuguese Empire’s exploration and expansion?
a) Spread of Christianity
b) Economic dominance
c) Territorial conquests
d) Scientific research

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5. Which important trading center in the Indian Ocean did the Portuguese Empire capture from the Sultan of Gujarat in 1510?
a) Malacca
b) Goa
c) Calicut
d) Melaka

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