Portuguese Empire

21. The port city of Nagasaki in Japan was a significant trading post for the Portuguese Empire until its expulsion in 1639 under which policy?
a) Edict of Nantes
b) Edict of Fontainebleau
c) Sakoku policy
d) Tordesillas Treaty

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22. Which Portuguese explorer is credited with the first successful voyage around the Cape of Good Hope to India?
a) Vasco da Gama
b) Ferdinand Magellan
c) Bartolomeu Dias
d) Francisco Pizarro

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23. The Portuguese Empire faced fierce competition from the Dutch in the Indian Ocean, leading to the loss of which important spice trading center?
a) Goa
b) Malacca
c) Macau
d) Ceylon (Sri Lanka)

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24. Which Portuguese explorer is known for exploring the eastern coast of South America, including Brazil, in 1500?
a) Vasco da Gama
b) Bartolomeu Dias
c) Pedro Álvares Cabral
d) Ferdinand Magellan

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25. The port city of Nagasaki in Japan was a significant trading post for the Portuguese Empire until its expulsion in 1639 under which policy?
a) Edict of Nantes
b) Edict of Fontainebleau
c) Sakoku policy
d) Tordesillas Treaty

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