Portuguese Empire

26. Which Portuguese explorer is credited with the first successful voyage around the Cape of Good Hope to India?
a) Vasco da Gama
b) Ferdinand Magellan
c) Bartolomeu Dias
d) Francisco Pizarro

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27. The Portuguese Empire faced challenges from which Asian power, which successfully expelled them from Japan in the 17th century?
a) China
b) Japan
c) India
d) Korea

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28. The Treaty of Tordesillas, signed in 1494, divided newly discovered lands outside Europe between Portugal and:
a) Spain
b) England
c) France
d) Netherlands

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29. Which Portuguese explorer is known for his exploration of the African coast and is considered the first European to reach the southern tip of Africa?
a) Vasco da Gama
b) Bartolomeu Dias
c) Ferdinand Magellan
d) Hernán Cortés

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30. The city of Melaka (Malacca) was an important trading center for the Portuguese Empire in Southeast Asia, but it fell to which other European power in 1641?
a) Spain
b) England
c) France
d) Netherlands

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