Programming Languages

Here are some MCQs on Programming Languages

1. Which of the following is a high-level programming language?

   a) Assembly language

   b) C++

   c) Machine language

   d) Binary code

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2. Which programming language is commonly used for web development?

   a) Java

   b) C#

   c) Python

   d) JavaScript

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3. Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that focuses on:

   a) Procedural execution

   b) Code efficiency

   c) Data structures

   d) Objects and classes

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4. Which programming language is considered a “scripting language”?

   a) Java

   b) C++

   c) Python

   d) Ruby

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5. What is the primary function of a compiler?

   a) Execution of code

   b) Debugging code

   c) Translating code into machine language

   d) Checking syntax errors

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