Programming Languages

36. What is the output of the following code snippet in C++: cout << (5 > 3 && 2 < 4) << endl;

    a) 0

    b) 1

    c) true

    d) false

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37. Which programming language uses indentation for code blocks?

    a) Java

    b) C++

    c) Python

    d) JavaScript

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38. What is the purpose of the “switch” statement in programming?

    a) Looping

    b) Decision making

    c) Code reusability

    d) Error handling

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39. What is the output of the following code snippet in Python: print(“Hello” * 3)?

    a) Hello

    b) HelloHelloHello

    c) Hello 3

    d) Error

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40. Which programming language is used for developing Windows applications?

    a) Java

    b) C++

    c) Python

    d) C#

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