RBI Functions – Banker and Debt Manager for Governments

16. RBI acts as a lender of last resort. What does it mean?

a) RBI provides loans to commercial banks during financial emergencies.

b) RBI provides loans to individuals who cannot get credit from other banks.

c) RBI provides loans to the government to cover budget deficits.

d) RBI provides loans to foreign governments in need.

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17. Which committee oversees the investment of foreign exchange reserves held by RBI?

a) Financial Sector Legislative Reforms Commission

b) Technical Advisory Committee on Monetary Policy

c) Board for Financial Supervision

d) External Loans and Public Debt Management Committee

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18. In which year did RBI assume the responsibility of managing government debt?

a) 1935

b) 1945

c) 1969

d) 1993

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19. Which entity manages the government’s cash balance on a day-to-day basis?

a) Central Board of Directors

b) Public Debt Office

c) Department of Government and Bank Accounts

d) Department of External Investments and Operations

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20. Which type of government securities has the shortest maturity period?

a) Treasury Bills

b) Cash Management Bills

c) State Development Loans

d) Government Savings Bonds

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