Religion and Philosophy

26. The concept of “Atman” (soul) is central to which religion?

a) Hinduism

b) Buddhism

c) Jainism

d) Sikhism

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27. The philosophy of “Satyagraha” (nonviolent resistance) was popularized by which Indian leader?

a) Mahatma Gandhi

b) Jawaharlal Nehru

c) Subhas Chandra Bose

d) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

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28. The famous temple complex of Khajuraho is associated with which religion?

a) Hinduism

b) Buddhism

c) Jainism

d) Sikhism

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29. The philosophy of “Samsara” (cycle of birth and death) is associated with which religion?

a) Hinduism

b) Buddhism

c) Jainism

d) Sikhism

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30. The concept of “Guru” (spiritual teacher) is important in which religion?

a) Hinduism

b) Buddhism

c) Jainism

d) Sikhism

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