Reproduction in Plants 

16. The outermost whorl of a flower, which protects the flower during bud stage, is called:

a) Petals

b) Sepals

c) Stamens

d) Carpels

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17. In plants, the process of seed dispersal helps in:

a) Preventing overcrowding

b) Ensuring genetic variation

c) Promoting growth

d) All of the above

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18. Which of the following is an example of an asexual method of reproduction in plants?

a) Seed formation

b) Pollination

c) Cutting

d) Fertilization

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19. The process of water loss in plants through specialized structures in leaves is called:

a) Pollination

b) Fertilization

c) Germination

d) Transpiration

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20. The male reproductive part of a flower consists of:

a) Stigma and style

b) Petals and sepals

c) Stamens and carpels

d) Anthers and filaments

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