Rig Vedic Economy

26. Which of the following was not a major center of pearl fishing in Rig Vedic society?
A) Gulf of Mannar
B) Palk Strait
C) Bay of Bengal
D) Arabian Sea

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27. What was the name of the Rig Vedic system of land ownership?
A) Private ownership
B) State ownership
C) Collective ownership
D) None of the above

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28. Which of the following was not a major source of food in Rig Vedic society?
A) Meat
B) Milk
C) Fruits
D) Eggs

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29. What was the name of the Rig Vedic god of trade and commerce?
A) Varuna
B) Indra
C) Agni
D) Surya

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30. Which of the following was not a major center of bead making in Rig Vedic society?
A) Chalcolithic
B) Mohenjo-daro
C) Harappa
D) Lothal

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