Rig Vedic Society

51. Who was the god of storms and rain in Rig Vedic religion?
A) Varuna
B) Indra
C) Agni
D) Parjanya

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52. What was the main form of transportation in Rig Vedic society?
A) Horses and chariots
B) Elephants
C) Camels
D) None of the above

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53. Who was the god of creation in Rig Vedic religion?
A) Varuna
B) Indra
C) Agni
D) Prajapati

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54. What was the main form of clothing in Rig Vedic society?
A) Cotton and silk fabrics
B) Animal skins
C) Woolen clothes
D) None of the above

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55. Who was the god of rain and fertility in Rig Vedic religion?
A) Varuna
B) Indra
C) Agni
D) Rudra

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