Rig Vedic Society

66. Which of the following is not one of the four Vedas?
A) Rig Veda
B) Sama Veda
C) Yajur Veda
D) Atharva Veda
E) Bhagavad Gita

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67. Who was the goddess of learning and wisdom in Rig Vedic religion?
A) Saraswati
B) Lakshmi
C) Parvati
D) Durga

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68. What was the name of the sacred fire in Rig Vedic religion?
A) Jataveda
B) Yajna
C) Agni
D) Soma

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69. Who was the god of the sky in Rig Vedic religion?
A) Varuna
B) Indra
C) Agni
D) Dyaus

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70. Who was the founder of the Aryan civilization in India according to the Rig Veda?
A) Agni
B) Indra
C) Manu
D) None of the above

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