Rig Vedic Society

10. Who was the god of fire in Rig Vedic religion?
A) Agni
B) Indra
C) Varuna
D) Surya

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11. What was the main source of knowledge and wisdom in Rig Vedic society?
A) Vedas
B) Upanishads
C) Puranas
D) Itihasas

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12. What was the main form of transportation in Rig Vedic society?
A) Chariots
B) Horses
C) Camels
D) Elephants

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13. Who were the outcastes in Rig Vedic society?
A) Brahmins
B) Kshatriyas
C) Vaishyas
D) Shudras

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14. What was the most important social obligation in Rig Vedic society?
A) Service to the gods
B) Service to the king
C) Service to one’s family
D) Service to one’s caste

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15. Who was the god of the sky in Rig Vedic religion?
A) Varuna
B) Indra
C) Agni
D) Surya

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