Rig Vedic Society

41. Who was the god of wealth in Rig Vedic religion?
A) Varuna
B) Indra
C) Agni
D) Kubera

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42. What was the main occupation of the Vaishyas in Rig Vedic society?
A) Priests
B) Warriors
C) Traders
D) Farmers

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43. What was the main occupation of the Kshatriyas in Rig Vedic society?
A) Agriculture
B) Trade and commerce
C) Priesthood
D) Warfare

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44. Who was the god of fire in Rig Vedic religion?
A) Varuna
B) Indra
C) Agni
D) Surya

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45. What was the main occupation of the Vaishyas in Rig Vedic society?
A) Agriculture
B) Trade and commerce
C) Priesthood
D) Warfare

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