Rights and Liabilities of the Government

66. The government can suspend certain rights and freedoms during a state of:
a) Emergency
b) War
c) National crisis
d) Political unrest

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67. The government’s liability for acts of its employees can be attributed based on the principles of:
a) Vicarious liability
b) Joint liability
c) Strict liability
d) Absolute liability

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68. The government can be held liable for acts of its employees even if they are committed:
a) With the employee’s personal motive
b) Outside the scope of employment
c) Without authorization
d) All of the above

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69. The liability of the government for acts of its employees can be limited by:
a) Statutory immunities
b) Contractual provisions
c) Consent to the act
d) All of the above

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70. The government’s liability for acts of its employees can be waived by:
a) Express consent
b) Implied consent
c) Legislative enactment
d) Judicial order

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