Rise of Buddhism

121. What is the name of the Buddhist festival celebrated on the full moon day in May?
A) Vesak
B) Asalha Puja
C) Pavarana
D) Kathina

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122. Which of the following is a term used in Zen Buddhism to refer to the teaching given by a master to a student?
A) Dharma talk
B) Zazen
C) Dokusan
D) Koan

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123. What is the name of the Buddhist deity associated with wealth and prosperity?
A) Ganesh
B) Lakshmi
C) Kuan Yin
D) Jambhala

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124. Which of the following is a term used in Mahayana Buddhism to refer to a being who has attained enlightenment but chooses to remain in the world to help others?
A) Bodhisattva
B) Arhat
C) Tathagata
D) Buddha

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125. What is the name of the Buddhist teaching that emphasizes the interconnectedness of all things?
A) Anatta
B) Annica
C) Dependent origination
D) Samadhi

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