Rise of Buddhism

11. Which king was instrumental in spreading Buddhism beyond India?
A) Ashoka
B) Akbar
C) Babur
D) None of the above

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12. Which of the following is not one of the Three Jewels of Buddhism?
A) Buddha
B) Dharma
C) Sangha
D) Karma

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13. What is the significance of the Bodhi Tree in Buddhism?
A) It is the tree under which Buddha attained enlightenment
B) It is the tree under which Buddha was born
C) It is the tree under which Buddha died
D) None of the above

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14. What is the Pali Canon?
A) The Buddhist holy book
B) The Buddhist temple
C) The Buddhist community
D) None of the above

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15. Which of the following is not one of the Five Precepts of Buddhism?
A) Do not kill
B) Do not steal
C) Do not lie
D) Do not drink alcohol

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