Rise of Buddhism

151. Which of the following is a term used in Zen Buddhism to refer to a type of intensive meditation retreat?
A) Ango
B) Zazen
C) Dokusan
D) Sesshin

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152. What is the name of the Buddhist festival celebrated in Japan to honor one’s ancestors?
A) Obon
B) Setsubun
C) Higan
D) Shichi-Go-San

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153. Which of the following is a Buddhist term that means “non-self” or “absence of a permanent self”?
A) Anicca
B) Anatta
C) Dukkha
D) Samadhi

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154. What is the name of the Buddhist festival celebrated in Tibet to mark the Tibetan New Year?
A) Vesak
B) Saga Dawa
C) Losar
D) Tsok

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155. Which of the following is a term used in Theravada Buddhism to refer to a type of chanting or recitation?
A) Metta
B) Pali
C) Vipassana
D) Paritta

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