Rise of Jainism

Jainism is an ancient religion that originated in India around the 6th century BCE. It was founded by a spiritual teacher named Mahavira, who is considered to be the last of the 24 Tirthankaras (spiritual leaders) in Jainism.

Here are Some MCQs on Rise of Jainism

1. Who was the founder of Jainism?
a) Mahavira
b) Buddha
c) Adi Shankaracharya
d) Guru Nanak

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2. What was the original name of Mahavira?
a) Vardhaman
b) Siddhartha
c) Gautama
d) Sakyamuni

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3. Which period did Mahavira live in?
a) Vedic period
b) Mauryan period
c) Gupta period
d) Mughal period

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4. What was Mahavira’s family background?
a) Royal family
b) Merchant family
c) Priestly family
d) Warrior family

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5. What was the main occupation of Mahavira’s family?
a) Agriculture
b) Trading
c) Priesthood
d) Military service

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