
16. Satellites in polar orbit pass over the Earth’s poles during each revolution.

a) True

b) False

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17. Which satellite is responsible for studying and observing the Earth’s magnetosphere?

a) Cluster satellite

b) International Space Station

c) Hubble Space Telescope

d) Mars Rover

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18. Which satellite is responsible for studying and observing distant galaxies and celestial objects?

a) Hubble Space Telescope

b) International Space Station

c) Terra satellite

d) Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter

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19. Which satellite is responsible for studying and observing the Earth’s land and vegetation?

a) Terra satellite

b) International Space Station

c) Hubble Space Telescope

d) Mars Rover

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20. Satellites in geostationary orbit have an orbital period of approximately:

a) 90 minutes

b) 24 hours

c) 7 days

d) 365 days

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