Sayyid and Lodi Dynasties

46. Which ruler of the Sayyid Dynasty attempted to revive the declining power of the Delhi Sultanate?
a) Khizr Khan
b) Mubarak Shah
c) Muhammad Shah
d) Ala-ud-din Alam Shah

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47. Who was the son and successor of Sikandar Lodi?
a) Bahlul Lodi
b) Ibrahim Lodi
c) Khizr Khan
d) Daulat Khan Lodi

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48. Which of the following statements is true about the Sayyid and Lodi Dynasties?
a) They both ruled over the entire Indian subcontinent.
b) They both followed the Hindu faith.
c) They both had peaceful reigns without any major conflicts.
d) They both had rulers who were influenced by Persian culture.

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49. The decline of the Sayyid and Lodhi Dynasties paved the way for the establishment of which major empire in India?
a) Gupta Empire
b) Maurya Empire
c) Mughal Empire
d) Chola Empire

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