Self-Help Groups

46. In an SHG, how are loan decisions made for individual members?

a) By the bank providing financial support

b) By the group leaders based on mutual understanding

c) By voting among the members

d) By a professional loan committee

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47. How has the SHG model evolved over time?

a) From a purely microfinance-focused approach to a holistic development approach

b) From an urban-centric model to a rural-focused model

c) From an NGO-driven model to a government-driven model

d) From a group-based model to an individual lending model

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48. What is the primary objective of SHGs in terms of women empowerment?

a) To improve the financial status of women

b) To enhance women’s decision-making power within households

c) To increase women’s participation in income-generating activities

d) All of the above

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49. How do SHGs contribute to poverty alleviation?

a) By providing income-generating opportunities to members

b) By promoting savings and financial security

c) By facilitating access to credit for income-generating activities

d) All of the above

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50. What is the future outlook for SHGs in the banking sector?

a) Continued growth and expansion, especially in rural areas

b) Enhanced focus on digital banking and technology adoption

c) Integration of SHGs into mainstream financial institutions

d) All of the above

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