Shunga Dynasty

46. Which of the following was NOT a significant achievement of the Shunga dynasty in the field of architecture?
a) Construction of the Great Stupa at Sanchi
b) Development of the rock-cut cave temples
c) Construction of the Ashoka pillar at Vaishali
d) Creation of the chaitya hall

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47. Who was the famous king of the Shunga dynasty who is known for his patronage of Buddhism and construction of the Great Stupa at Sanchi?
a) Vasumitra
b) Pushyamitra
c) Agnimitra
d) Bhagabhadra

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48. Which of the following was a major trade route during the Shunga period?
a) Silk Road
b) Spice Route
c) Indus Valley Trade Route
d) Maritime Trade Route

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49. Who was the famous Greek historian who wrote about the conquest of India by the Shunga ruler, Demetrius?
a) Herodotus
b) Plutarch
c) Polybius
d) Strabo

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50. Which of the following was a major literary development during the Shunga period?
a) Emergence of the Pali Canon
b) Emergence of the Sanskrit language
c) Creation of the Tamil language
d) Creation of the Urdu language

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