Shunga Dynasty

26. Which of the following was NOT a significant literary work produced during the Shunga period?
a) Mahabhashya
b) Kathasaritsagara
c) Ashvaghosha’s Buddhacharita
d) Ramayana

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27. Who was the last ruler of the Shunga dynasty?
a) Bhagabhadra
b) Devabhuti
c) Vasujyeshtha
d) Agnimitra

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28. Which of the following was NOT a major architectural achievement of the Shunga dynasty?
a) Great Stupa at Sanchi
b) Chaitya hall at Karle
c) Mahabodhi Temple at Bodh Gaya
d) Cave temples at Ajanta

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29. Who was the famous queen of the Shunga dynasty who was also a patron of the arts?
a) Nayanika
b) Khema
c) Vasumitra
d) Vasavadatta

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30. Which of the following was NOT a major economic policy of the Shunga dynasty?
a) Promotion of trade and commerce
b) Encouragement of agriculture
c) Expansion of the tax system
d) Nationalization of industries

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